Allrighty, let's see what all this blog hype is all about.....So far so good. I am digging the layout and the font. Let's hit the gates running with this blog. I want to be known as Bloggy Bloggerson.
Where do I want to start? An introduction? Do I want to introduce myself? Or, do I want to change names to protect the innocent? Totally kidding.
Let's talk sewing. Wow! I am in LOVE, do you hear me, L♥Ve with this new found hobby turned business ☺. Who woulda thunk it? All because I wanted a handmade item for Addison's 1st birthday. To be more specific....A dress that was made of the following items: Fabric, thread and ribbon. The items weren't the issue. The lack of sewing knowledge was the issue. Ok, I'll be more specific about that too. The fact that I had never touched a sewing machine in the three decades I've been roaming around was the real-deal issue. Thank you, Mindy for the crash course. A quick shout out to You Tube and Ehow.com probably wouldn't hurt either.
Fast forward to today, 6 months later, said Birthday Dress for Addison has been worn. Said dress is now known as AddieTudes! The collection is growing, growing, growing. The business has taken off! Where will it go next? ♥Go big or go home♥ We have Rufflepalooza (daily) in this house. It's not a complete day if it doesn't start with an amazing cup of coffee and a end with a mile-long ruffle.
The latest and greatest addition to AddieTudes are Ruffly Bum Diaper Covers (no, I do not make them in Adult Sizes!). Ummmmm, I inserted pics but I am a newbie to this. Oh! There they are....look up , up , and up. You know at the top of this thingy. Yup, there they are. Cuteness. 25.00, includes shipping, monogramming and cuteness. Did I say that already?! I'll say it again. Cuteness.
I could keep going on but I'll stop here. I don't want to blog EVERYTHING in one day. There I did it. I blogged. I like it. Imagine that, the social butterfly, likes this bloggy stuff. I want you all to know my business. Well, not all of it.
Happy reading!
Bloggy Bloggerson (most of you know me as Mylene. You can call me that☺)
Whoohooo, BB!! :0) I love it! Congrats and keep up the good work.